Sunday, May 25, 2014


I am lucky. I am immeasurably lucky and for more reasons than one. One of my biggest blessings in life are, without a doubt, my nieces and nephews; of whom I am Godmother to two! Birthdays to me are always a special time of reflection on how far we've come and where we're heading next. Last week our family celebrated my niece/God Daughter's 3rd Birthday at our local Wildlife Park. She is merely 3 but don't hold that against her. Watching her explore the highs and lows of the park with so much spunk and gumption was the highlight of the day. Chatting to her you'd never think she just turned 3. Lil Miss can hold a conversation with the best of us with a vocabulary that could rival those 10x her age. She is special.

I am really on the countdown to the big move to London now (116 days, OMGGG). This has me constantly thinking about how much I'm going to miss the little things as my babies will continue to grow and change without me here. I am reminded on days like this though, of the extent of my family's love and care for our little ones. It is a very special and reassuring thing.

My birthday wish to you on your 3rd birthday Mia-Rose is that you always stay close to your big, crazy family that loves you unconditionally, that you never stop asking questions because knowledge is power and that you live many, many years of happiness and joy that knows no bounds. I will miss every ounce of you when I'm gone God Daughter but one day you will be old enough and when the time is right I will take you out to explore this wide world. 

Love & blessings forever little one,

Happy Birthday.

Aunty Pulu x

Thursday, May 8, 2014

First time in a long time...

Hahaha. I'm laughing because here I go again beginning my first blog post in aaaaaggggeeeeessssss with the "oh my gosh it's been so long since my last blog post" spiel. There is really no brilliant excuse...the same ones still ring true. It's either A) I haven't had the time or B) I haven't had the inspiration. This time it is a combination of both. It seems lately that when I have the time I don't have the inspiration and when I have no time I have truckloads of things to write about and share. BLEHH. Well to my surprise the stars and moon have aligned and here I am typing away and it feels nice to be back in my own tiny, little space in Internet Land.

So I am very excited to announce to Internet Land and random passers-by that LONDON FLIGHTS ARE BOOKED, I REPEAT, LONDON FLIGHTS ARE BOOKED!!! And I'm kinda shit scared lol! Myself, my sister and two of my close friends are packing up and heading to London to teach for however long we can last (Visa maxes out at 2 years!) in September this year!

The aim is to teach to make that paper, then in turn use that paper to explore and travel Europe! This will be a big, fat, awesome thing to tick off my bucket list which I am saaaaahhhh excited about. As a kid we didn't have much but dreams were in abundance. It's so weird to now be growing up and to be able to work hard for the ways and means to fulfil dreams. To say we are blessed is an understatement.

The to-do list of things to get done before we fly out is RIDICULOUS but...challenge accepted!

I hope wherever you are if you're reading this, that your list of dreams is being ticked off one by one. You owe it to yourself to live the life you've always wanted regardless of your past or present circumstance.

Make it happen.

Love & Blessings x